Saturday 7 December 2013

'Layout & Format' Inspiration (Contents Page)

This contents page was taken from 'Q' music magazine. I really liker the order in which they have set out their contents page, it looks edgy and modern, and it really fits in with the house style well. I also like how in the top right hand corner they have an image of the magazines front cover, which is in a way advertising the magazine they have already purchased. The images which have been used are very effective as they are a quirky way of showing the audience what types of artists are in the magazine and what pages they are on. The primary image is larger than the other images, and is placed in the middle of the contents page to catch the eye of the audience because this artist is the feature artist. Finally i enjoy the use of magazine common conventions, such as the page numbers, dates, magazine company email address, masthead and images spread around neatly and in a professional manor. 

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